Darth Maul did not survive Obi-Wan in Naboo, and Sidious murdered Plagueis prior to the events of TPM. Kitonak have two toes and three fingers. [citation needed]. Neimoidians are the most visible villains of the film The Phantom Menace. Sociocultural characteristics [16][17], The bombardment of Kintan by stellar radiation from the explosion of a nearby star had sparked rapid evolution in its native species. During the Separatist Crisis, the Neimoidians aligned themselves with Count Dooku's growing Separatist movement. The Trade Federation army is employed only when "future customers" do not realize their "best interest" in trading with Neimoidians, on Neimoidian terms. With the start of the Clone Wars at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Neimoidians became a species commonly associated with the Confederacy and were usually either deported from or prevented from entering Coruscant. Eye color DVD. Following this, Anakin killed all Techno-Union scientists there and managed to bring the mutated Nelvaanians back to their tribe. Nute Gunray and Rune Haako with Neimoidian soldiers. [5] Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan learner, Barriss Offee are both Mirialans,[6] as is the Seventh Sister seen in Star Wars Rebels; one male Mirialan Jedi master named Ardray was featured in the MMORPG game Star Wars: The Old Republic. During the Clone Wars, Muuns helped the Separatists and minted new coins for planets leaving the Republic. Their homeworld is Glee Anselm, a planet of vast swamps, lakes, and seas located in the Mid Rim. These genetic differences were attributed to the distinct features of their homeworld, Neimoidia, including its gravity, which was heavier than Duro. Not only did their robes, cloaks, hats and collars all have particular symbolic meanings, but so did their fabrics and colors. [13] Ima-Gun Di is a Red Nikto Jedi Master in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, some Neimoidians joined the New Republic and Galactic Federation of Free Alliances as pilots. The plague or even COVID is a symbolic representation of this idea in nature. Many species of alien creatures (often humanoid) are depicted. One famous face was Gaff, a Roon representative in the New Republic.[4]. They became extinct when Exar Kun sapped the life out of every Massassi on Yavin 4 so that he could free his soul from his body in order to escape the pursuing Jedi. The Kel Dor, sometimes referred to as Kel Dorians, hail from the technological planet Dorin. The Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was a Kiffar. Possessing power is all he desires. Designation They have two orange compound eyes and three-fingers. The Nikto people are a humanoid species from the planet Kintan who have scaly skin, black eyes, and symmetrical horns and spikes on their faces. They have saddles for lava fleas and carry defensive laser rifles. [24], Though the etymology of the Neimoidian name is unclear, their original designation "S'hatnarian" was explained by George Lucas in the cut segments of the 2007 interview by Seth MacFarlane, featured on the Region 2 Family Guy: It's a Trap! Over time the Kwa sealed their temples and left large wuffa worms to guard them. Miraluka typically hide their lack of eyes by wearing a headband, a mask, or similar concealing headwear, because they are much less common than humans, and it is easier to travel if they are seen as being of the dominant species; thus the common confusion as to who is or isn't a Miraluka. Possessing power is all he desires. In terms of Star Wars books in general, I was spoiled by Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice series, Luceno's Darth Plagueis, Stover's novelization of Revenge of the Sith, and the Bane trilogy. Horizontal pupils[1]Noseless[1] Leia and her entire family become very highly respected figures in Noghri society. This thread is archived. Males also have a ridge along the back of their heads. Sentient Defenders.jpg 233 KB. Darth Plagueis had the ability to use the dark side of the force to influence midi-chlorians to create life and to prevent people from dying- the only Force user to have such a power. [citation needed]. Physical characteristics He orders his apprentice, Darth Maul, to hunt the traitor down. They had smooth noseless faces, mottled green-gray skin, and large red-orange eyes. Losing it is the only thing he fears. Five centuries later, Bartyn's descendant Guther welcomed the visit of a Neimoidian dignitary and competed with him in a global race. This growth spurred on the development of their space-travel technology, as colony worlds were seen as a response to overpopulation of Coachelle Prime. This article is a stub by Rune Haako. [18], An extremely corpulent Neimoidian, Lok Durd. They live on the planet Nelvaan on the Outer Rim. The Lurmen had heads protruding perpendicular from their chest two large golden orange eyes, a nose and a mouth. The character is first mentioned in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, in which Palpatine frames his life as a "legend" to lure Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force. Chapter Six. Star Wars: Darth Plagueis. Please login to your account first; Need help? I for one do NOT think that Darth Plagueis trained Sidious. 6 1 16. [26] The use of Asian accents to depict the Neimoidians was cited by reviewers as part of a broader issue with racial stereotypes in that film. Much like many of the Imperial Officers in the Original Star Wars Trilogy were given British accents, some Neimoidians have been given Thai accents.[10]. Nome, in his capacity as reigning Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tenebrous, had been searching for the right apprentice to train for the sole purpose of eventually possessing through the virulent mi… ], Neimoidian Species Biology, Society, and History. [23], Around five hundred years before the Battle of Naboo, Neimoidian traders sold a decommissioned Hoersch-Kessel LH-3010 capital freighter to Hugo Bartyn, who used it to build his own city in Lamaredd. Aug 28, 2015 - Neimoidians were a humanoid species native to the planet of Neimoidia, while also settling wealthy purse-worlds like Cato Neimoidia. Since the Neimoidians were distant genetic relatives of the Duros, they retained many similarities to them, including basic form, noseless faces, and green-blue skin (though Neimoidians tended to be grayer). Send-to-Kindle or Email . Kobok were an insectoid species that live on planet Koboth. [8] Because of that, the Neimoidians would retain ill memories of their homeworld and tried to avoid it as much as possible. Wiki Activity; Random page; Videos; Images; Discuss. One example is Max Rebo, head of The Max Rebo Band, contracted to play in Jabba the Hutt's Tatooine palace. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise that he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. They have no affiliation with any one group, but serve all races. It was often said that one of the most difficult concepts for a Neimoidian to understand was loyalty. [citation needed] The most famous Mon Calamari is Admiral Ackbar, the supreme admiral of the Rebel Alliance's naval forces. During the Liberation of Nelvaan, Anakin Skywalker, who was referred to by the race as "Holt Kezed" ("Ghost Hand" in their language), would free them as he destroyed the Separatist base. ... Maul is sent by Darth Sidious to find an errant Neimoidian with news of the upcoming Trade Federation blockade of the Planet Naboo. But could he be the only one who never died? How-To Tutorials; Suggestions; Machine Translation Editions; Noahs Archive Project; About Us. [7] Their name is a reference to the close resemblance of their heads to calamari (squid). Most Lurmen were pacifistic by nature and refused to fight or run even in the face of death. They had smooth noseless faces, mottled green-gray skin, and large red-orange eyes. Neimoidia[2] … Their bodies were covered entirely in fur, which ranged in color from a dark brown to a white-gray, though they did wear garments. A Kushiban in a calm, normal state of emotions is white; a Kushiban in the deepest of despairs is totally black. If an Oswaft is deprived of nutrients from a star for too long it will turn opaque and die. Language Year: 2012. As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. Their sense of smell came from glands under their eyes. Rather than paws, they have hands with opposable thumbs and feet. Press J to jump to the feed. Their true form is not known because the cybernetic implants vary. Az elvesztése az egyetlen, amitől fél . They appeared in the second book of the Junior Jedi Knights series. Losing it is the only thing he fears. Language: english. A famous Kyuzo is the bounty hunter Embo. In the French, Spanish, Czech and Italian versions, the Neimoidians were given Russian accents.[source? The species were known to be fast swimmers, often ripping apart their enemies with their teeth. They have green skin and have masks to filter out moisture. Kaminoans were forced to reproduce through cloning after a natural disaster on Kamino. Under the Galactic Empire, the Trade Federation was disbanded after Acting Viceroy Sentepeth Findos signed a treaty on Neimoidia that gave Emperor Palpatine control of the Trade Federation's assets. There are some additional Separatist concept pieces that look a lot like the other concept art Lucas sent Luceno for Plagueis, the Neimoidian in a cloak, but like we’ve mentioned, he was probably thinking of an amalgam of concepts when he sent things to Luceno. Sie sind die hauptsächlichen Leiter der Handelsföderation, die durch die Kontrolle des interstellaren Handels Geld und Macht anhäufte. But Mace Windu and Republic cruisers arrived and defended Yavin. [citation needed], Kitonaks (also known as Kirdans) are white, pudgy aliens from Kirdo III. [citation needed], The Ongree are a bizarre looking species from the Skustell Cluster. In fact, Neimoidia's most able individuals typically left the planet at a young age, often joining the Trade Federation and its trading starships. [citation needed], The Omwati rarely left their homeworld and rarely took part in galactic events, until Wilhuff Tarkin enslaved the youngest of their species to serve as Imperial scientists. When confronted by anger and violence, they respond in kind. Star Wars: Darth Plagueis James Luceno. Another Kowakian monkey-lizard is seen roasting on a spit at a market in the first episode of The Mandalorian as a second monkey lizard watches from a nearby cage. However Nautolans are relatively common at any space port. By 15,000 BBY, the inhabitants had evolved to the point when they could be considered a separate … As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. The information helped them to ultimately free the imprisoned Massassi children later in the Junior Jedi Knights series. In fact, the notions of morality and ethics that motivated other societies were completely absent from the Neimoidian culture. Their most striking characteristic is their "hair" which appears to be made of small, diaphanous feathers of an iridescent color. It was from this hidden base that Rebel starships were able to score their first victory against the Empire, and from which squadrons of X-wings and Y-wings attacked and destroyed the first Death Star. The intended association between the appearance of battle droids and the Neimoidians was not dropped, though, as reference material published around the time of The Phantom Menace stated that the droids were based on Neimoidian skeletons. When the Empire took control of their planet, they thought this species was not suited for the physical demands of slavery. [3], Since the Neimoidians were distant genetic relatives of the Duros, they retained many similarities to them, including basic form, noseless faces, and green-blue skin (though Neimoidians tended to be grayer, and in some cases like Mar Tuuk; even yellow). Jedi Master Ood Bnar was a Neti.[11]. This is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters K to O. Auch tritt EP8 etwas … Darth Plagueis tried to manipulate the midichlorians into creating life. ISBN 13: 9780345532558. However, the Trade Federation forces were defeated during the battle of Naboo. The Kiffar are a near-human species from the Azurbani system, including Kiffu and Kiffex. Tanítványként elfogadja a Sith-ek könyörtelen módszereit. The Death Of Darth Plagueis - Star Wars Explained - YouTube [13] In addition, the discussion of an individual's feelings was considered an anaethema amongst Neimoidians. It is well-known that Neimoidians were notorious disease carriers. Senator Lott Dod with BettyBot attendants. They have long ears, similar to Yoda's species. [1] Famous Neimoidians included Nute Gunray and Rune Haako, high ranking members of the Trade Federation who later joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a separatist movement which waged war on the Galactic Republic. Darth Plagueis; Unidentified Neimoidian aide (Hask) Neimoidians. The character is first mentioned in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, in which Palpatine frames his life as a "legend" to lure Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force. [1], In the years prior to the Clone Wars, the Neimoidians became infamous for running the Trade Federation, a massive corporate entity. These appendages are almost useless out of water unless, like Kit Fisto, said Nautolan is used to environmental change). [7], Neimoidians spent their formative years as puny grubs in the communal hives of Neimoidia, until the age of seven standard years. In the process, they went from computer-generated characters to actors wearing animatronic masks. In the waning years of the … The Kubaz are an insect-eating species with long snouts [that have been known to be informants for the Empire. As such, if the Viceroy was killed, incapacitated, or otherwise indisposed during a conflict, the Neimoidians will be unable to continue fighting. [20] The institution of taxes on trade routes to the outlying regions left the Neimoidians furious. They are stronger, swifter and stealthier than humans. The dark side of the Force is … On their hind legs they stand at 0.5 meters or 1.6404 feet tall, with an extra 0.3 meters' worth of tail. The Melodies are an amphibious, mermaid-like humanoid species that live in Yavin 8's purple mountains, lakes and rivers. Inside the globe were the imprisoned souls of Massassi children whom the young Jedi candidates eventually freed with guidance from Jedi Master Ikrit. An unnamed, fuchsia-skinned Kowakian monkey-lizard appears in 2 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, "Dooku Captured" and "The Gungan General", as the pet of Hondo Ohnaka, leader of a band of Weequay pirates. They often would hide instead of using violence. The title precedes a Sith's name, which can be either their birth name or their chosen Sith name. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Nights of Anger, Knights of the Old Republic 45: Destroyer, Part 1, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express, Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi, Episode I Adventures 2: The Bartokk Assassins, Episode I Adventures 3: The Fury of Darth Maul, Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War, Star Wars 41: The Devaronian Version, Part 2, Senator Dod in Five-Speeder Skylane Accident, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, The Clone Wars: The Wind Raiders of Taloraan, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels, The Clone Wars: Hunting the Hunters (Part I), Star Wars—Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special, Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241, Star Wars: Dark Times: The Path to Nowhere, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (reference book), Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Duros, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: The Expanded Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Silas Carson: Hero with a Thousand Faces - Cog in a Mighty Machine, The Trade Federation and Neimoidians: A History, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Neimoidian/Legends?oldid=9652067. About five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, a Sith starship crashlanded on Kesh; the crew, who came to become known as the Lost Tribe of Sith, subsequently subjugated the Keshiri, some of whom eventually joined the Sith. The Kyuzo are a race of humanoid creatures. There he met, and would regularly meet William Shatner, who was living in San Francisco at the time doing stage work. The son of Nightsister witch and a Zabrak Nightbrother, he was taken by Darth Sidious. Biological classification After this, Sidious can block to the trade route to Naboo, aiding in the fall of the Jedi and the Republic that the Jedi serve. Hair color Meanwhile, the weakest and least capable of the species were sequestered on Neimoidia and the purse-worlds, where they tended to vast insect hives, fungus farms, and beetle hatcheries. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He also served as a recurring antagonist in the 2008 TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Notable Muun were Darth Sidious's master, Darth Plagueis the Wise, and the ruling members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan including San Hill. Prior to joining the Alliance, the Mon Calamari had only built passenger liners because of their peaceful ethos. A couple background notes contrary to canon. They were originally a red-skinned humanoid race until Naga Sadow conducted cruel genetic experiments on them turning them into a race of fearsome, savage, hunchbacked predators. Also, … Send-to-Kindle or Email . One notable Nosaurian is the Podracer Clegg Holdfast. Darth Plagueis: N/A: Muun Sith Lord mentioned in Revenge of the Sith who was obsessed with finding the key to immortality. Darth Plagueis has become the character I am most tired of in Star Wars and the one I dislike the most. Aug 28, 2015 - Neimoidians were a humanoid species native to the planet of Neimoidia, while also settling wealthy purse-worlds like Cato Neimoidia. In the TriPlanetary Press reference source known as the Encyclopedia Galactica, the entry for Neimoidian read, "See: Duros". "Darth Plagueis: one of the most brilliant Sith Lords who ever lived. This unquestioning reliance on a central control is what will ultimately spell failure for the mechanized army. Assuming he is a Jedi, she begs him to take her Zabrak infant son. Their eyes also had pupils that split horizontally, and they were distinguished by small lumps on their foreheads and down-turned mouths. Thereafter, the Neimoidians faded from prominence in galactic affairs. They help resettle the Noghri to other planets (including Wayland) to give Honoghr time to heal. ][citation needed] One such Kubaz, by the name of Garindan, led Imperial stormtroopers to the droids on Tatooine in A New Hope. One Klatooinian Jedi is Tarados Gon. Letaki have eight tentacles and egg-shaped heads. It was this terrifying image of death, coupled with the Geonosian physique, that inspired the appearance of the Trade Federation's B1 battle droids. They live in a nebula called ThonBoka where they are nourished by nutrients from their sun. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the sperm cells to not create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from getting pregnant. Following the death of Thrawn, the Noghri ally themselves with the New Republic. Although his original form was not shown in Episode III, Grievous had statues of his former self in his home at Vassek during the Clone Wars. The most exalted Neimoidians rank a walking, This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 01:49. Please login to your account first; Need help? Archived. The Ogemite are a near-Human avian race native to the planet Ogem. After being bereft of position and power, they began considering every possibility in order to regain their status.[20]. This is said to be the source of their characteristic greed and corrupt nature. During the assault on Neimoidia, the planet was ravaged, and the destruction of many Neimoidian grub-hatcheries would affect the Neimoidian species.[21]. They are believed to be sentient and are able to withstand extreme temperatures. A Darth Plagueis c. könyvről részletesen:Darth Plagueis: a valaha létezett legnagyobb Sith-ek egyike. Dressellianer-Zeichnung.jpg 33 KB. Home; Books; Search; Support. In addition, Neimoidian warriors and brutes were used in the Separatist armed forces as a part of Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion. The Massassi were brought to Yavin 4 by the Sith Lord Naga Sadow who was on the run from the Republic and the Jedi. The typical neimoidian was greedy and ambitious, working for themselves often in financial or political businesses. 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Is too great and too loud disgraced by their peers would be of... Things that pertain to annual events. [ 9 ], Stubs, Characters this growth spurred on run!